Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Petition to Penny Sharpe: Oppose all 3 stages of WestConnex

At the recent NSW state election, Penny Sharpe ran for the seat of Newtown with a policy to 'Stop WestConnex'. Upon looking at the finer detail voters realised that this meant only opposing Stage 3, whilst retaining or extending the other stages.
She was defeated.
Despite promises to the contrary, she nominated to return to the upper house and on the back of a successful change.org campaign petitioning the ALP (at http://chn.ge/1EZjgmK), she did in fact return.
Congratulations Penny.
It is amazing the power that 89 change.org petition signatures can have.
Recognising Penny and the ALP's great responsiveness to online petitions, we the undersigned request that they respect the message sent them by the voters of Newtown by henceforth opposing all 3 stages of WestConnex.
We expect that 89 signatures will be enough to achieve this change.
Please sign the petition here:

Wednesday, 6 May 2015

Council plans for Ashmore trees

The South Sydney Plan, July 1997 (South Sydney Council)

The South Sydney Plan, July 1997 (detail, showing trees retained)

Ashmore Street Masterplan Option 1, July 2004

Ashmore Street Masterplan Option 1, July 2004 (detail)

Current Ashmore DCP

Saturday, 2 May 2015

How Goodman made a killing in Erskineville

A recent article in Business Spectator shows how property speculators such as Goodman make super profits by seeking rezoning to residential or increasing density on existing sites.


According to the article the Goodman land that was recently sold in Ashmore Estate went from $16 million in value to $350 million in over 20 years.

The average annual increase on residential properties in Erskineville over the same period was 5 to 6%. Conservative assumptions lead to the conclusion that over and above this 'natural' increase in the value of the land, the value of the upzonings awarded by government were worth a minimum of $258 million.

This truly is a super profit.

The temptations of developer lobbyists to corruptly influence key politicians must be enormous. What developer wouldn't consider blowing off a few million to ensure the 'right' decision is made? The upzonings in Ashmore that have concerned Erskinevillians over the last few years occurred under the watch of Premiers K. Kenneally and B. O'Farrell and the City of Sydney council.

This upzoning was a gift by the people of NSW to Goodman. But it was not a gift that anyone in the area who was aware of the matter approved.  On the contrary, local residents vocally opposed these upzonings. By rights the entire $258 million gift should be demanded back and used for local infrastructure.

Should it be on schools, childcare, affordable and public housing, public transport, hospitals, parks, libraries, community halls?

Let's have a community consultation about that.